ProACT Partnership Expatriate Advice

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Keep the Structure - Adapt the Details 

Keep the Structure - Adapt the Details 


Have you ever tried to change your lifestyle ?

To diet, exercise, study, work from home , work for yourself?

We all do and it’s hard. In the past I would get started and within a few days or week old habits come back.

How can we make this easier?


We know it takes around 60 days to create a new habit or routine. Every time is a struggle ahead to stay committed and follow through with change.

If you want and are changing you should already be committed to that.


In any case we all have structured days for different things.

The time between waking and starting work day. The time we get up and dress, breakfast and prepare for the day ahead. Maybe this is when you exercise and spend family time.


Then our work day. Be that at work, at home, volunteering, study, hobbies, shopping, holiday.

The morning can be different to the afternoon broken by a lunch break or not.

Then we have the evening. This could be the me time with family friends and yourself. Social, outdoor or exercise may be pet of this time.

Consider these block times in your life. This is your routine of daily life.

Don’t try and disrupt it all for some change.


Whatever new habit or routine you want to add or change in your life consider how you can fit in with your current daily program.

If you need an extra 20 minutes or a hour for exercise or hobby or talk time with a loved one, it has to fit with your current day. What time can be saved, what task adapted to find time, what activity has no value to your life and goals and needs dropping?

Find a way to adapt your day to your change and keep the rest the same.

Then you are more likely to make it to 60 days and install that new habit.


Keep the Structure - Adapt the Details 


Thoughts Beget Action ©

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Have a great, healthy and safe day!

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