Always Be True to Principles
Always Be True to Principles
We can try to complete a task, give it 100% but not get it done perfectly.
You may not complete the job but you could get to the finish line.
The house could be cleaned but there is a room to finish later.
You can try and fail to finish the objective in full.
We could always complete the task.
We could turn up to work for the day and fill the time with busy work without completing the key tasks that would make that day productive.
You could be at dinner with your family but be distracted by a phone , tv show or self indulgence.
Then again turning up and being there could be enough in itself, even if there is nothing further you do to help. Being there, your presence, may be enough to support other people in their needs.
Turning up in itself does not meet all your commitments, being present and engaged in the moment is essential.
To judge and know ‘how much’ is enough to count any task as done needs a reference point. To assess how the time you spent on the job or with the people and the completeness of the task you set out to do, we need to be clear on our principles.
What are your personal values and standards to be and to be seen to be.
These are the principles you live by assessing the quality and completeness of everything you do.
Define those values for you.
‘To Be’ that person of value and principle is as easy as it is hard.
Always Be True to Principles
Thoughts Beget Action ©
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