After 3 Days You Will Be Back
Overdo anything… then expect 3 days for recovery and reset.
Have you ever done extra in a day - physical or mental?
Anything that stretches beyond your normal routines and habits?
We can all have such demanding days.
Shortage of food , sleep or rest can be a challenge. We can push on but should avoid exhaustion with an associated crash and the ability to perform.
After 3 days of full rest your body can reset.
There’s another way.
Stay on track. Stick to routines and disciplines.
Not to stand still.
You could still push your boundaries 1% a day. That may not sound much but will compound over a year to 2400%.
A small improvement each day allows you to maintain your productivity and meet the daily demands of your lifestyle.
If you experience a day of excess focus on getting back on track. Three days later you will be back in balance.
Better than the discomfort of long term fatigue or lost days when you may crash.
Stay on track 24/7 for your life’s dreams and goals.
After 3 Days You Will Be Back