Property Rental & Tax Disclosure

If you are advertising your overseas property rental on third party property rental sites, that service is now required under 'know your client rules' to record your tax number as the landlord.

This is part of Common exchange of information ruleswing introduced globally and company and individual beneficiaries are nowrequire you to now disclose  

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6 Reasons to Make a Will for Overseas Property Investment

What gets missed, in the excitement and enthusiasm of Overseas Property Investment is the exit strategy if something goes wrong. Over 20 years we have seen many examples where Family, Health, Business issues goes wrong or just change, leading to expense delay and taxes in order to sell an Overseas Property Investment and or Relocate back home.

Our deep understanding helps us guide Expats Living and Working Abroad, or investing in Overseas Property protect the Family Assets and help avoid cost, delay and tax when difficult times arise.


We have created a Free Article for you to Read and Share;- 6-reasons-to-make-a-will-for-overseas-property-investment

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3 Big Tax Savings for the Family of Overseas Property Investors

Have you ever had the experience in your family where someone died, or divorced, or remarried leading to a family dispute arose over Property.  Where someone within the family fears losing their share of an inheritance, or want to grab it, at the expense of the family membersintended or rightfully beneficiaries.

I have and it is so sad. The loved ones, and future generations, you tried to protect and secure, see their home and finacial security undermined with the family squabble. This is why we make a will or consider life time gifts to ensure your wishes are carried out.

EU Changes to Succession

Changes in European Laws of succession have thrown any plans made up in the air. Expats owning Overseas Property in an EU country could now be subject to forced heirship where only blood or married relatives can benefit - leading to confusion and disputes down the line.

Unmarried couples, children of second marriages, divorced partners, second marriage couples have now got to review there overseas property ownership or risk loss of assets and wealth when something changes.


Click to Read More below to Read the Full Article.  

We love to here your comments and feedback, please enter your comments at the end of the article blog. Thank you. 

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5 Ways You Will Protect Your Pensions, Property, Investment Overseas


The EU changes to Succession mean Expats must make written changes to their Will to avoid forced heir-ship and retain financial control of their affairs on first death. Overseas Property Investors are most at risk with more than one country rules affecting inheritance and succession.

This can be done with a simple codicil or with an updated Will.  Our View is that a codicil is risky. A separate codicil document could be valid, but it increases the potential of being misplaced or not accepted or not being consistent with the Will.

Make a Full Review of Overseas Property Investment Pensions with the Expat Experts.


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6 Reasons to Make a Will for Overseas Property Investment

Monday Money Blog: Protect Your Family and Business.

The first thing to do when you move your Family, Business and Family Property overseas is put the protections in place for your family assets.

This should  always start with Making a Will. When you move to a different country with different laws, then straight away your unmarried partner, adopted children, and your financial security could be undermined by the death of a family member.

Many countries including Cyprus, FRANCE and the EU have forced heirship where only blood relatives can benefit. 

Here are “6 good reasons to Make a Will”  for Expats Living and Working Abroad. 

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5 Ways to Save Inheritance Tax on Overseas Property Investment - Works for Capital Gains Tax Too !!

5 Ways to Save Inheritance Tax on Overseas Property Investment - Works for Capital Gains Tax Too !!

ProACT Sam Orgill Gives you 5 ways to Save Inheritance Tax or Capital Gains Tax being paid on your Overseas Property Investment. 

The time to protect your overseas property investment for tax savings is before your need to let it go. Whether you sell, give away or die there are potential inheritance or Capital Gains Taxes. If your Business gets in trouble you can ring fence your overseas property investment from creditors. You may lose your health and need long term care, again personal assets can be drained to pay medical or nursing home care fees.

CLICK HERE to Read the Full Article 5-ways-to-save-inheritance-tax-on-overseas-property-investment-works-for-capital-gains-tax-too

Whatever the reason to move on and the transfer of the overseas property investment (or business) there is a potential tax liability.  Capital Gains and Inheritance Tax Savings of up to 40% can be achieved if you plan ahead and organise your assets in a tax efficient manner. By looking forward, planning ahead you can save thousands in tax when selling overseas property.


CLICK HERE to Read the Full Article 5-ways-to-save-inheritance-tax-on-overseas-property-investment-works-for-capital-gains-tax-too

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6 Reasons to Make a Will for Overseas Property Investment

6 Reasons to Make a Will for Overseas Property Investment from

Sam Orgill  

To Protect Family Assets from Expense, Delay, Capital + Inheritance Tax Savings

What gets missed, in the excitement and enthusiasm of Overseas Property Investment is the exit strategy if something goes wrong. 

Overseas Property Investment is a dream but can become a better investment with lower property taxes and avoiding the cost and delay of probate on first death. 


6 Reasons to Make a Will Trust to Protect Overseas Property Investment

Follow the Read More Link to read the full article


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Property Inheritance Tax Saving for Expats

Sam Orgill of ProACT Partnership with Tax Saving Tips for Expats for Overseas Property & Investment

Expat Investors can make more tax savings following changes in the UK and Cyprus Taxes. 

Tax Savings can extend to inheritance following changes to Wills and Inheritance tax rates in the UK.

Inheritance Tax Changes

UK Inheritance tax remains at 40%.  Allowance for married couple, main residence, is increasing to 500,000 per person over 5 years.  Meanwhile, changes to tax disclosure of capital and estates in the coming year mean that doing nothing to avoid 40% UK inheritance tax on Cyprus property will not work.  Opening up Cyprus property to UK Inheritance tax on death.


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EU Brexit - 16 Countries Outside the EU where Pension Inflation Indexing Remains

EU Brexit - 16 Countries Outside the EU where Pension Inflation Indexing Remains

All EU Countries have reciprocal agreements for inflation indexing pensions for Expats living and working abroad.

Where will you choose to live in retirement and receive inflation proofing on your pension?



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EU Brexit for Expats - Potential Impact on State Pension Indexing

Expats Living and Retired Abroad can receive indexed UK state pensions if they live in a country with a reciprocal agreement for pension indexation. That includes all the EU Countries, so with EU Brexit - what happens to Expats Receiving UK State Pensions?

Whatever the manner of UK Brexit from the EU, Overseas Tax on Pensions paid offshore will continue to be determined by the relevant double taxation treaty - for better or worse. 



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EU Brexit for Expats, Tax Saving, Cyprus Tax, UK tax ProACT Sam Orgill EU Brexit for Expats, Tax Saving, Cyprus Tax, UK tax ProACT Sam Orgill

Pension Freedom for Expats - Business or Retired

New Pension Freedom Rules allow Expats to Draw the whole of their UK based pension fund and pay tax in their country of overseas tax residence. This offers potentially large tax savings for Expat Business and Retired people Living and Working Abroad.

You don't have to retire to free your pension, even if living and working abroad, you can still reclaim the pension once you are over 55.

In the UK any Pension fund over £43,000 could generate a UK tax bill of 40% (£17,200)

The freed pension funds can then be invested in any way, cash investments, family business, overseas property, family education, repay loans, enjoy retirement. 

ProACT can help free your Pension and reclaim big tax savings up to 40%.


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Title Deeds Developers & Reclaiming Immovable Property Tax

Title Deeds, Developers and Reclaiming Immovable Property Tax,

Sam Orgill How to protect your Cyprus Property Cyprus

In 2015 Big changes allowed buyers to claim title deeds without waiting for developers and their banks to release them.  Also banks can reclaim property where mortgages in default. We understand Bank of Cyprus has reprocessed Secret Valley from Aristo developers, illustrating the dangers to property buyers of not securing their title deeds now.

Big changes in 2016 Immovable Property Tax (IMPT) on Cyprus Property mean that tax savings are available for Expats owning Cyprus Property.


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