What Should Expats Do? - Go Placidly Among the Brexit Noise and Haste?

Do we live in a Beautiful Expat World or with Broken Dreams?

Are you confused by the noise of Brexit and how it might affect you?

Do you think you finally understand, only for another opinion to pop up and muddy the waters?

Does the clever PR rolled out in media interviews from vested interests sway you, but you are not sure why?

We are all confused by the mess that is Brexit. What to do?

American Max Erhmann’s 1927 Poem Desiderata reminds us to stay calm and focused on the things we desire while living in a world surrounded by the noise, haste, politics and the PR bombardment of Brexit opinion.

Everything changes with Brexit for EU and UK Expats, families and business.

Are we a winner, or do we lose? Do we belong here?

Max reminds us that whatever your situation in the noisy confusion of our life and times, we should keep peace within our souls. In the years well before the corporate PR, political lobbyists and the social media outlets of our times, the world contained its share of sham, drudgery and broken dreams for all.

He concluded though that it is still a beautiful world and this we should always be cheerful.

Strive to be happy.

European Union Break Up

In 1927 the world was still trying to settle into a new world order after the break up of union in Europe following the First World War. A war where the emperor of Germany Kaiser Willhiem ll (Queen Victoria’s Grandson and married to her niece Princess Victoria ) longed to project Germany as a the lead nation in Europe and around the world. 100 years ago the Treaty of Versailles in June 1919 agreed that new European countries be created in the break up of the old empires and unions including Finland, Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia , Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

The European union that existed in the German, Austrian and Turkish empires was dismantled and broken up. Remember the Turkish Ottoman Empire is the historic enemy in the Crusades 1000 years ago. The Austrian Hungary Empire was central Europe. The Germanic peoples were dividend up into enclaves in the new countries in the new Europe.


The trauma of the First World War is an easy way to gain perspective of our life and current times.

The world economy has limped along since the 2007/8 financial crash and limped along to recovery with Greece, Cyprus and the Euro struggling along the way.

1927 saw a stock market crash heralding the Great Depression of the early 30’s.

10 years of austerity today have made life hard for some, and broken dreams.

Unlike 100 years ago, we don’t see the great shanty town that built up in New York’s central park area during the Great Depression.

We do see the refugee camps with families fleeing their home cities currently being ravaged by war and violence, but in another world, in Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan, Congo, Venezuela, not in the privileged EU bastion and ‘free trade’ area.

These refugees know hardship and suffering. Compare that view next time you hear a doom ladened PR pitch from a politician forecasting Brexit will lead to an end of times. Get real people.

Louis Louis

It is still a beautiful world despite all this and we could be happy with that.

Happy with our expat adventure Living and Working Abroad. Secure in our overseas property, business and investments.

Brexit is many things. But not that bad. Not a World War. Not a great depression.

Everything will change, only to be the same, but different.

We will still have food and water. We will still get BMWs, baguettes and Edam cheese.

Trading Places 

For the UK 80% of trade is outside the EU, so 20% will struggle. These are businesses exporting around the world, using World Trade Organisation rules and regulations. The worst that happens is Expat business must change and adapt to global trade rules.

The EU is a free trade zone, but only within the EU. Import goods as a shopper or business into the EU and you pay an EU customs tariff or duty. This is the worst case scenario for UK and EU business to carry on trading.

The EU cannot start to make any new trade deals until the UK has left the EU, despite the ill informed claims by many.

EU Business will be just as badly hit as UK Business with bad deal Brexit. The EU could agree a ‘carry on as usual’ temporary agreement even with no deal, although such a transition period is included within the agreed Withdrawal Treaty.

The ways of the world will carry on as they have always done outside EuEu Land. Borders may change. The rules for global Expats remains the same.

The rules for EU and UK Expats will adjust.

As any family or business moving to a home, a new house, a new country, a new job.

Expats are masters of change and adventure, these are the things we desire.

Inside Out

Today we know the rules outside the EU and UK. Global expats use these rules when relocating overseas with family and business. These are the worst case new rules for expats.

UK and EU Expats can take advantage of the EU Citizen freedom rules now before Brexit or use the Global rules after Brexit.

The same processes but with different rules based upon international law.

As Global Expats know, these procedures and rules are common practice when moving to any new country culture and tradition.

Clash of Cultures

Clashing of cultures can cause great loss and sorrow as it did in Europe 100 years ago and as it does today in many places around the world.

Expats Know How enables us to find a way forward - Be cheerful. Be happy.

ProACT Expat Experts are here to help, if you need any help and assistance Living and Working Abroad, contact us for residency, tax registration, starting a business and protecting assets plus the latest EU Brexit for Expats Contact us.

Get your copy of the guide to residency in Cyprus.

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ProACT Sam Orgill

Sam Orgill

ProACT Partnership - Tax Saving Expat Expert

Look Forward Never Back : A Daily Pursuit of Excellence in What We Do


ProACT Private Client Expatriate Advice Services for professionals, consultants and the retired living and working abroad, relocating overseas, investing offshore.


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