Overseas Property, Expat Experts ProACT Sam Orgill Overseas Property, Expat Experts ProACT Sam Orgill

Stay Calm Exchange Rates : EU Brexit for Expats

 Stay Calm and Carry On Exchanging Currency

Forget the headlines. Exchange rates go up and down but on average they don't change much.

Do not let the headlines scare you. A headline exchange rate GBP : EURO of 1.20 exchange rate is in line with exchange rates between 2012 / 13 / 14.

This rate is better than 2009 / 10 / 11.


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EU Brexit for Expats - No Change Today Though the Love Has gone Away

Sam Orgill ProACT PArtnership Expatriate Advice on What is the Same Today

If we look back 100 years, the Austro-Hungarian Empire still existed, and a Tsar was Empire of Russia. Before 1908 you got on your horse, there were no motor cars for the masses, this modern necessity only arrived with the Ford model T introduced that year. Powered flight started in this period. Freedom of movement meant that people were no longer tied to live and work within walking distance. Much has changed over the last 100 years in security, trade, lifestyle and politics.  We are still here, and better off.

The rules will change for the UK and EU whether Brexit Lite or Brexit Full emerges in the coming years.  What we know today is:

1.    Nothing changes today for Expats Living and Working Abroad – in the UK or in the EU.

2.    UK is legally bound within the EU law, these will protect the rights of expats

3.    Change is inevitable for EU Expats whatever happens. 



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EU Brexit for Expats: House of Cards?

Sam Orgill of ProACT Partnership considers the background and implications of EU Brexit for Expats Living and Working Abroad

The Clash wondered ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go?’ Indicating a level of indecision with narrow margins.  The Jam successors Style Council replied with ‘You don’t have to sit back… you can actually try changin’ it an Walls will come tumbling down’.  This was the 70’s angst of the UK as they agonisingly choose to be led into the ECC as it was then. 


2016 - Fast forward to 2016 and Great Britain votes 52% to leave – an 18% swing. The EU walls come tumbling down, along with political careers, jobs and lifestyles. What went wrong with the relationship between the British and their European Cousins?

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