UK to Be Lowest Corporate Tax Base after EU Brexit

The UK Prime Minister, Theresa May, announced in a speech on 25/9/18 in New York that the UK will be the lowest Corporate Tax Rate G20 Country after EU Brexit as an attraction to overseas companies and expats looking to establish a UK business base.

This statement tells us 2 things.

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Why is £-GBP so Low Against the Euro ? 4 Expat Actions to Save on Currency Exchange

The EU Brexit Vote has hit British Expats Living and Working in the EU hard. The day after the Brexit vote on 24/6/2016 Sterling started a currency fall that at the start of September 2017  sees the Pound trading at £1.07 to 1.00 Euro – a might fall of nearly 25% in 15 months.

This means UK Expats transferring there Pound sterling to Euro now get 3 apples not 4. The meal out in a Spanish or Cyprus restaurant is a meal for three with someone left at home.

The UK pension payment that converted to Euro 2000 in June 2016 now converts to 1500.

That has a dramatic effect on your spending plans.  It’s one less trip back to the UK this year, the planned mini cruise postponed until another year.

Why is the £Pound so low against the Euro?

Read more to receive our free guide; 4 Expat Actions to Save on Currency Exchange

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EU Brexit for Expats, Overseas Property, Expat Experts ProACT Sam Orgill EU Brexit for Expats, Overseas Property, Expat Experts ProACT Sam Orgill

EU Brexit for Expats: Exchange Rates Can go Down as Well as Up

Sam Orgill of ProACT Partnership considers the Exchange Rate Adjustment and implications of EU Brexit for Expats Living and Working Abroad

EU Brexit for Expats means the UK needs to stimulate the economy and the a lower exchange rates is the main tool at the UK government's disposal. Exchange Rates Can Go Down as Well as Up

If your Euro Overseas Property is valued in Euro and your Investments & Pension in GBP 50:50: then you are no worse off when exchange rates go up and down.

Lower Sterling Exchange Rates Means Change for Expats and a New approach:


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Sam Orgill of gives

5 Things Expats Should include in Their Exit Strategy - when Living and Working Abroad Goes Wrong

What gets missed, in the excitement and enthusiasm of relocating overseas, achieving your dream of Living and Working Aboard, investing in overseas property and business, is an exit strategy. 

We all get carried away with something new, something exciting, and can easily allow our common sense to be left on the beach while we go in search of promised new lands, home and work abroad. But what then? How do we get back home? What if the dream fails?

Here’s a check list of 5 things for expats to include in their exit strategy.


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6 Reasons to Make a Will for Overseas Property Investment

What gets missed, in the excitement and enthusiasm of Overseas Property Investment is the exit strategy if something goes wrong. Over 20 years we have seen many examples where Family, Health, Business issues goes wrong or just change, leading to expense delay and taxes in order to sell an Overseas Property Investment and or Relocate back home.

Our deep understanding helps us guide Expats Living and Working Abroad, or investing in Overseas Property protect the Family Assets and help avoid cost, delay and tax when difficult times arise.


We have created a Free Article for you to Read and Share;- 6-reasons-to-make-a-will-for-overseas-property-investment

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Will You Wait for the Date?

When you consider relocation the first thing you consider is somewhere to live. The second is to manage your income, whether from pension, investments, business or as a contractor. When you make the move to become an expat you get busy making local registrations for everything from electricity to visas, tax to social club, bank accounts to medical. We understand this.

Will You Wait for the Date? ProACT Sam Orgill gives 5 Actions to Protect your Overseas Property Investment from Expenses Plus Capital + Inheritance Tax Savings


Read more click the link

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Currency Joy Exchange Rates Buoyed

Currency Joy Exchange Rates Buoyed

EU Brexit for Expats: 5 Benefits for Expats Living and Working Abroad As by the Weakening of the Euro

Sam Orgill of ProACT Partnership considers the Exchange Rate Adjustment and implications of EU Brexit for Expats Living and Working Abroad

Eurozone Economy Weakness

As the EU economic zone continues to stutter with structural banking an debt reforms the Euro hits a barrier as Italy emerges as the country of focus in world finance

An Italian Economy weighed down by bad debt that has not be reformed an updated.  The Italian referendum on their governments proposed reforms that have been rejected. This has weakened the Euro on the world markets.

Sterling has strengthened, Euro is Weaker:

 GBP£1 = Euro1.20 , USD $1 = Euro 0.95, Rouble RR 1 = Euro0.015

5 Benefits for Expats Living and Working Abroad


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5 Ways You Will Protect Your Pensions, Property, Investment Overseas


The EU changes to Succession mean Expats must make written changes to their Will to avoid forced heir-ship and retain financial control of their affairs on first death. Overseas Property Investors are most at risk with more than one country rules affecting inheritance and succession.

This can be done with a simple codicil or with an updated Will.  Our View is that a codicil is risky. A separate codicil document could be valid, but it increases the potential of being misplaced or not accepted or not being consistent with the Will.

Make a Full Review of Overseas Property Investment Pensions with the Expat Experts.


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5 Actions to Protect Your Overseas Property Investment

5 Things to Protect your Overseas Property Investment

Will You Wait for the Date? 

Sam Orgill from  gives 5 Actions to Protect your Overseas Property Investment from Expenses Plus Capital + Inheritance Tax Savings

When you consider relocation the first thing you consider is somewhere to live. The second is to manage your income, whether from pension, investments, business or as a contractor. When you make the move to become an expat you get busy making local registrations for everything from electricity to visas, tax to social club, bank accounts to medical. We understand this.

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EU Brexit - 16 Countries Outside the EU where Pension Inflation Indexing Remains

EU Brexit - 16 Countries Outside the EU where Pension Inflation Indexing Remains

All EU Countries have reciprocal agreements for inflation indexing pensions for Expats living and working abroad.

Where will you choose to live in retirement and receive inflation proofing on your pension?



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