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6 Steps To Be Happy Today


ProACT Sam Says Nothing Needs to Happen for Me To Be Happy and offers 6 Steps to take to be happy



Whatever is Occurring in the world around you, in the news, in the street, in the office, in the  family, all occurs externally.

We could ring fence our inner self from those goings on. Choose in our mind that any thing that is occurring to me externally is just that - external, it is not me and does not affect how I feel.



That leaves us to relate to ourselves.  Our inner critic is always available to question events internally and externally. Now we have deprived her of the external targets that leaves the inner critic to focus on ourselves.


Have we enough food, have we aches and pains, are we on target for our days activities, are we feeling unloved?


What happens if we choose to be grateful that we woke this morning and are alive to live and love another day?

What happens if we choose to be grateful for the food and shelter we have for today?

What happens if we choose to accept we have done our best today and been our best self?

What happens if we choose to love the people in our lives, in the community, at work, friends, family, partner, our selves.. we love each of them for who they are at this moment ?


Choose Happy

In this way we choose to be happy.

Nothing need to happen externally or internally to alter our state, or gratify our inner critic. We do not need any internal or external stimulus to affect how we feel.

We choose to be happy in this moment.



We still have dreams, ambitions and wants. To be feed, to be loved, to be thanked, to be promoted, to adventure, to grow.

By choosing to be happy and content in this moment, we accept that we have done our best so far, we are where we are.


We choose not to let our  inner critic, or external critic or societies values and pressures affect our moment of happiness. We accept life as a work in progress.

You choose that “Nothing Needs to Happen for Me To Be Happy”


6 Steps to Be Happy Today

  1. Choose to block off external influences from affecting how you feel
  2. Choose to manage your inner critic and allow yourself to take a snapshot of the moment.
  3. Practice drawing  a distinction between where you are at this moment and your dreams, goals and ambitions for the future
  4. Acknowledge you have done your best so far in life
  5. Be grateful for the day ahead to live, love and progress
  6. Accept life is a work in progress in pursuit of your dreams.



Nothing Needs to Happen for Me To Be Happy



Living and Working Abroad.


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