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4 Ways to Attract Wealth Health and Happiness

4 Ways to Attract Wealth Health and Happiness


ProACT Sam Says 4 principles to Attract and Grow Wealth in your life.

Are You Losing Money?

Have you ever wondered why you have no money and mortgage and card debt?

Do you need to have a wardrobe full of shoes and clothes and stuff, stuff you don’t use but fills that living space.

Do you always live on the edge to have enough money for the next bill, the next treat, the next meal?

Are you Attractive?

Wealth  is a created by the energy you put into life with your loved ones, work, business, or community. 

Your energy input determines what could come back to you. What you give will come back, as you share energy with the world, you become attractive to wealth, to money.

Wealth Drain

If you hold onto clutter and surround yourself with stuff that is negative you will drain your resources and wealth.

The clutter could be stuff, bad relationships, dead end jobs, time wasting habits.

The time, energy, space and money is drawn down from your life’s account to feed these energy drains.

The drain could be the use of energy  from you to earn the extra revenue to pay for the rent and storage space of the clutter.

Or the drain of money earned and saved, that you previously spent energy earning.

That clutter  is draining your energy and Wealth.

Be Attractive to Money and Wealth

  1. Review what you value in life.

If you value cupboards full of cloths and shoes you don’t wear from one season to the next, then spend your days working to earn the money to pay for the spending.

  1. If you don’t save some of what you earn every month, then you never build savings capital that could provide an income , so you don’t have to work so much time in the future.
  2. If you must gratify your self with spending on things, or events or Media subscriptions, then you will continue to drain your resources. Back to work.

A home you own provides wealth, you can live without the need to earn rent.

Less money spend on external stimulation and gratification means you can accumulate more capital to provide a home or an income.

  1. More time and energy spent on the things you love, the people you love, and learning and growing your wealth of knowledge, makes you a more attractive person to wealth.

The more you give in work the sooner your income will rise.

The more you save and accumulate Capital the more security you and your family build.

The more attention you pay to the people in your life the bonds in family, work and community grow deeper and receive more live in return.


What Do You Want to Attract ?

Many people dream of Living and Working Abroad with their loved ones. Of retiring to a

Mediterranean island , of investing in a Holiday home, of travelling to experience the variety of cultures that exist around the world.

Your investment in learning languages could get you the job in China. Your savings could buy the Holiday villa. Your business growth could allow you to set up a business in a new country abroad.


ProACT Sam Says

Learn to be attractive to Wealth and open yourself to a World of opportunity.


Learn To Be Attractive To Wealth



Living and Working Abroad.


Full article at


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