4 Things To Breakthrough Your Time and Productivity Barriers

4 Things To Breakthrough Your Time and Productivity Barriers

Ever found yourself eager to finish this job, knowing you will run into the next job, have someone waiting for you, have to rush, maybe lose out?

Do you review your day and find important jobs rushed, half done or not done at all?

Do you find yourself feeling regret for not giving that time to someone, missing the school play, the loving moment ?

I have many times in the turmoil that is our daily life. The demands of self, family, work are enough. Then we have our finances, learning, social media, notifications and Community demands.

That’s before we get distracted and switch on the news, watch the tv or get distracted by interruptions !

How do we deal with these days?

I Could Finish On Time

If you have scheduled your day to include exercise, read, eat, family love, work, finance, Community and reflection, then the first thing you could do is respect yourself, honour your commitments, and finish each activity at the planned time.

Note I say finish. Until you finish on time, and allow time to transition to the next job, then you can never consistently turn up on time to start the next job.

The essence is to cultivate a belief that the most important thing in your day, at this moment , is to show respect, value and love to the people involved in the next event in your schedule - above all yourself.

Not Miss Out Next Time

Here’s the thing. Time doesn’t stop. The time to meet, start work, exercise class, school finish’s, a hot date is set with yourself and others.

If you don’t allow enough time to transition to the next scheduled activity you will be late, rushed, flustered. This is not the place to start well and give your best. Above all you breach the trust of the person you are Meeting - including yourself. Confidence is eroded in your self image and the impression others have of you.

You do not represent yourself well. You may get by this time, but you are likely to miss out in the future as the world passes you by.

Push Productivity Breakthroughs

4 Things To Breakthrough Your Time and Productivity Barriers

To get more done in your days:

1. the first thing to do is finish on time.

Allow time to transition to the next job - time to get to the station on time,  to get the bus, time to get changed in your workout, time to start the meeting fully prepared.

2. Understand that while you might be leaving the last job less than finished, you have done you best in the time allowed. You can let your client know what you have done, agree with your child the next time you will read more of the book together, review your workout, and allow expectations to meet the time alllowed.

Time is constant motion. We do our best and get respect for that, build trust in ourself and with the people in our world of family, friends, work and Community

3. Schedule ‘review’ time. Block time to do other stuff. Allow for the unexpected. Things come up all the time at work, home or in between. By including routine review times you allow for the ebbs and the flows of the day.

In this way you take away some of the conflicts that may tempt you not to finish on time. A time to take a moment and centre on your day.

4. Focus. When you are doing the work, the task, the Meeting,  really give it your all. Talk to the person not your smartphone. Ignore notifications at this time. Don’t be distracted from finishing your job.

Really push yourself beyond your limit and do the best you can for the people involved in this time - even if only you.

Being excellent at what you do is the best way to build trust and credibility.

I Could Finish On Time

- Not Miss Out Next

- Push Productivity Breakthroughs



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Sam Orgill

ProACT Partnership Expatriate Advice

ProACTSam Orgill

ProACT Partnership - Tax Saving Expat Experts






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